Community Radio

Radio 4 Brainport is a community radio station for you and by you. We aim to bring topics that cover the experiences of the international community in the Brainport region, such as

  • Speaking the Dutch language … Did you take courses? Did you try to ask something in Dutch, but noticed that everyone replies in English anyhow? Which words are you using in Dutch?
  •  Which languages do you speak at home?
  •  What is your experience to live as an expat here?
    • How long did it take you to find out how the OV-chip card works?
    • Could you get a driver licence easily
    • Where you your kids go to school?
    • Did you get in touch with other people from your country?
  • What is your favorite place to go out in Eindhoven? Stratumseind, the Markt,  Wilhelminaplein, .. ? Do you have fovorite pubs? Did you go to the Theater?
  • Where would you take your family when they come to visit you?
  • Food: Are the supermarkets selling the groceries that you search for? Do you go to special shops? Did you switch to fusion cooking? Do you like frikandellen? Did you test “drop”.
  • Shopping in NL: share your shopping secrets
  • How do you spend your free time? Going out? Doing an MBA? Going to concerts, learning languages, playing sports?

… and we also like you to tell us more about your favorite music …. your Top 5.

  • Are you still listening to music from your home country?
  • What music do you recommend to our listeners?
  • Do you know any Dutch classic TOP 40 hits?

If you want to share your experience, or even want to become a regular contributer, send us an email at !